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Wetenschappelijke onderzoeken
Research Bullying Prevention in Adolescence: Solutions and New Challenges from the Past Decade December 2021 Downloaden
Research Childhood Bullying Victimization, Substance Use and Criminal Activity among Adolescents: A Multilevel Growth Model Study Downloaden
Research Cohort profile: The Boston Hospital Workers Health Study (BHWHS) 2018 Downloaden
Research Consequences of Bullying in Schools Downloaden
Research Consequences of workplace bullying with respect to well-being of its targets and the observers of bullying Downloaden
Research Cyberbullying on social networking sites: A literature review and future research directions 2021 research directions - Tommy K.H. Chan, Christy M.K. Cheung, Zach W.Y. Lee Downloaden
Research Developing a Multi-Tiered System of Support-Based Plan for Bullying Prevention Among Students with Disabilities: Perspectives from General and Special Education Teachers During Professional Development 2023 Downloaden
Research Development and Validation of the Bullied Cognitions Inventory 2023 Downloaden
Research Does authentic self‐esteem buffer the negative effects of bullying victimization on social anxiety and classroom concentration 2023 Downloaden
Research Does defending victimized peers put youth at risk of being victimized? 2022 Downloaden
Research Drawing an Angry Perpetrator and a Sad Target: Children’s Understanding of Emotions of School Bullying Perpetrators and Targets 2023 Downloaden
Research examining preschoolers' responses to bullying before and after a book-based intervention 2023 Downloaden
Research Examining the Link Between Implementation Fidelity, Quality, and Effectiveness of Teacher‑Delivered Anti‑Bullying Interventions in a Randomized Controlled Trial 2023 Downloaden
Research From risky behaviour to sexy adventures: reconceptualising young people’s online sexual activities 2017 Downloaden
Research Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Adopting Gordon and Risley's (1999) Downloaden
Research Here Comes Revenge: Peer Victimization Relates to Neural and Behavioral Responses to Social Exclusion 2024 Downloaden
Research Heroes, contracts, cooperation, and processes: Changes in collaboration in a large enterprise systems project 2021 Downloaden
Research High Performance Work Systems, Justice, and Engagement: Does Bullying Throw a Spanner in the Works? 2022 Downloaden
Research How Australian parents of bullied and non-bullied children see their school responding to bullying Downloaden
Research How do victims of bullying develop depression? Testing interpersonal style to explain the victimization-depression link 2024 Downloaden
Research Improving the implementation of KiVa antibullying program with tailored support: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial Downloaden
Research Is teasing meant to be mean or nice? Retrospective reports of adolescent social experiences and teasing attitudes Downloaden
Research Long-term effects of bullying Downloaden
Research Longitudinal Relations Between Cyber Dating Aggression and Cyberbullying in Adolescence 2024 Downloaden
Research Meta-analysis of the relationship between bullying and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents 2023 Downloaden
Research Moderation Effects of Positive Core Belief and Social-Emotional Responsiveness on the Relationship Between Cyberbullying Victimization and Affective Symptoms 2023 Downloaden
Research Moreeloordeel,zelfbedieningcognitiefvervormingen,Engelijkepestente midden vanondergeschiktschooladolescenten 2023 Downloaden
Research Multi-Informant Assessment of Bullying in Austrian Schools Downloaden
Research On the microfoundations of the link between classroom social norms and behavioral development 2022 Downloaden
Research Paljakka, A. (2023). Teachers’ Awareness and Sensitivity to a Bullying Incident: A Qualitative Study Downloaden
Research Parents’ Perspectives on their Child’s Involvement in Bullying in Preschool 2024 Downloaden
Research Power and inaction: why organizations fail to address workplace bullying 2020 Downloaden
Research Predictive Model of The Factors Involved in Cyberbullying of Adolescent Victims 2022 Downloaden
Research Prevalence of Bullying and Cyberbullying in the Last Stage of Primary Education in the Basque Country Downloaden
research Prevalence Rates of Bullying: A Comparison Between a Definition-Based Scale and a Behavior-Based Scale Downloaden
Research School bullying victimization and post-traumatic stress symptoms in adolescents: the mediating roles of feelings of insecurity and self-disclosure 2023 Downloaden
Research School Bullying, Bystander Behavior, and Mental Health among Adolescents: The Mediating Roles of Self-Efficacy and Coping Styles 2024 Downloaden
Research School Bullying: The Need for Recognizing this Phenomenon in Albania Downloaden
Research Social media use of adolescents who died by suicide: lessons from a psychological autopsy study 2023 Downloaden
Research students’ School and Psychological Adjustment in Classrooms with Positive and Negative Leaders 2024 Downloaden
Research Systematic review of academic bullying in medical settings: dynamics and consequences Downloaden
Research Systematic review of academic bullying in medical settings: dynamics and consequences 2021 Downloaden
Research Teachers Can Make a Difference in Bullying: Effects of Teacher Interventions on Students’ Adoption of Bully, Victim, Bully-Victim or Defender Roles across Time Downloaden
Research Teachers Can Make a Difference in Bullying: Effects of Teacher Interventions on Students’ Adoption of Bully, Victim, Bully-Victim or Defender Roles across Time 2022 Downloaden
Research Teachers’ Experiences With Difficult Bullying Situations in the School: An Explorative Study Downloaden
Research Teachers’ Experiences With Difficult Bullying Situations in the School: An Explorative Study 2021 Downloaden
Research Teachers’ Perceptions of Bullying: Preparedness and Interventions Downloaden
Research Temporal Trends in Bullying Victimization Among Adolescents Aged 12e15 Years From 29 Countries: A Global Perspective 2023 Downloaden
Research Testing the reciprocal longitudinal association between pro-aggressive bystander behavior and diffusion of responsibility in Swedish upper elementary school students Downloaden
Research The association between childhood trauma and adolescent cyberbullying: chain mediating roles of emotional intelligence and online social anxiety 2023 Downloaden
Research The Association between Internalizing Symptoms and Witnessing School Bullying and Defending Behavior: An Analysis of Gender Differences among Elementary and Middle School Students 2023 Downloaden
Research The Associations between Anti-Bullying Interventions and Bullying and Cyberbullying Rates in Albanian Schools Downloaden
research The effect of workplace bullying on fatigue in school teachers: the moderating roles of gender and spirituality​ 2023 Downloaden
Research The hidden curves of risk: a nonlinear model of cumulative risk and school bullying victimization among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder 2024 Downloaden
Research The Judgments and Emotion Attributions in Peer Exclusion Situations among Fourth, Sixth, and Eighth Graders in Japan Downloaden
Research The relationship between school bullying victimization and social mindfulness in middle school students: a chain mediating model of self-concept clarity and cognition reappraisal 2024 Downloaden
Research The Role of Adolescents in Bullying at School Downloaden
Research The role of teachers in the bullying involvement of students with emotional and behavioral difficulties Downloaden
Research The role of team compassion in mitigating the impact of hierarchical bullying 2023 Downloaden
Research The Workplace Bullying Institute Is Justice Attainable for Bullied Targets? Downloaden
Research Trends in Bullying Victimization and Social Unsafety for Sexually and Gender Diverse Students 2024 Downloaden
Research TWEEN CYBERBULLYING IN 2020 Downloaden
Research Understanding Teachers’ Likelihood of Intervention in Bullying Situations: Testing the Theory of Planned Behavior 2024 Downloaden
Research Understanding Teachers’ Likelihood of Intervention in Bullying Situations: Testing the Theory of Planned Behavior 2024 Downloaden
Research Understanding the psychophysiology of Antisocial Behavior in Girls 2021 Downloaden
Research Workplace bullying, symptoms of anxiety and the interaction with leadership quality – a longitudinal study using dynamic panel models with fixed effects 2023 Downloaden
Research Youth Bullying and Suicide: Risk and Protective Factor Profiles for Bullies, Victims, Bully-Victims and the Uninvolved Downloaden
Research ‘‘We were Sad and We were Angry’’: A Systematic Review of Parents’ Perspectives on Bullying Downloaden
Research “It’s Not Us, It’s You!”: extending managerial control through coercion and internalisation in the context of workplace bullying amongst nurses in Ireland Downloaden
Responding to overt displays of prejudice: A role-playing exercise Bron ResearchGate Downloaden
Resultaten Veiligheidsmonitor 2021 Factsheet Pesten op school Basisonderwijs Bron Rijksoverheid Downloaden
Rethinking School-Based Bullying Prevention Through the Lens of Social and Emotional Learning: a Bioecological Perspective Downloaden
Safety and Inner City Neighborhood Change: Student and Teacher Perspectives Show all authors Sejal Patel, Miad Ranjbar, Tawnya C. Cummins, Downloaden
Samenvatting: Een verkenning van sekseverschillen in het onderwijs in het kort Downloaden
School Personnel’s Self-Esteem, Sense of Self-Efficacy and Interventions on Weight-Related Bullying According to Their Weight Perception and Dieting Behaviors 2021 Downloaden
School Teasing and Bullying After the Presidential Election 2019 Downloaden
Screen time, social media use, and weight-related bullying victimization: Findings from an international sample of adolescents 2024 Downloaden
Scriptie Boeien, binden, bovenal: behouden van medewerkers 2023 Downloaden
Sextortion: Cybersecurity, teenagers, and remote sexual assault1 Downloaden
Should I Defend or Should I Go? An Adaptive, Qualitative Examination of the Personal Costs and Benefits Associated With Bullying Intervention Downloaden
Sibling Bullying: A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Associations with Positive and Negative Mental Health during Adolescence 2021 Downloaden
Sibling Violence and Bullying Behaviors in Peers: The Mediational Role of Self-Esteem 2024 Downloaden
Signalen van Fleur Bloemen Welke waren er en wat heeft de school daarmee gedaan? Downloaden
Signaleren van pesten: het belang ervan voor de algemeen kinderarts Downloaden
Smoothing the path to practice: Playful learning raises study happiness and confidence in future roles among student teachers and student ECE teachers Downloaden
Social Media Use, Social Media Stress, and Sleep: Examining Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Relationships in Adolescents Downloaden
Social Network Approaches to Bullying and Victimization 2021 Downloaden
Social Norms and the Expression and Suppression of Prejudice: The Struggle for Internalization Bron ResearchGate Downloaden
Sociale steun op scholen en gerelateerde resultaten voor LGBTQ-jongeren: een scoping review onderzoek 2022 Downloaden
Sociale Veiligheid bij het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat - onderzoeksrapport FNV januari 2025 Downloaden
StatusOfMind Social media and young people's mental health and wellbeing Downloaden
Students’ Reasons for Why They Were Targeted for In-School Victimization and Bullying June 2020 Downloaden
Students’ School and Psychological Adjustment in Classrooms with Positive and Negative Leaders 2024 Downloaden
Summary KPMG C o u n t i n g t h e C o s t : E s t i m a t i n g t h e e c o n o m i c c o s t o f w o r k p l a c e b u l l y i n g a n d h a r a s s m e n t o n N Z e m p l o y e r s Downloaden
Supporting teachers to actively respond to bullying and to build positive relationships with their students: effects of the T-SUPPORT training 2023 Downloaden
Tackling online sexual bullying and harassment amongst young people Source Childnet Downloaden
Teachers Using Role-play to Prevent Bullying 2019 Downloaden
Teachers: A Critical But Overlooked Component of Bullying Prevention and Intervention 2014 Downloaden
Telling, Comforting, and Retaliating: the Roles of Moral Disengagement and Perception of Harm in Defending College-Aged Victims of Peer Victimization Downloaden
Testing how teachers’ self-efficacy and student-teacher relationships moderate the association between bullying, victimization, and student self-esteem Danelien A.E. van Aalst 2021 Downloaden
The adult consequences of being bullied in childhood 2024 Downloaden
The Association between Deliberate Self-Harm and School Bullying Victimization and the Mediating Effect of Depressive Symptoms and Self-Stigma: A Systematic Review Downloaden
The Association between Deliberate Self-Harm and School Bullying Victimization and the Mediating Effect of Depressive Symptoms and Self-Stigma: A Systematic Review Downloaden
The association between the social environment of childhood and adolescence and depression in young adulthood - A prospective cohort study 2022 Downloaden
The Bad Apples’ influence on the organizational members 2021 Downloaden
The caring adult role: ethical reflections from an ethnographicstudy of school bullying 2024 Downloaden
The classroom as context for bullying (Nederlandse samenvatting) Downloaden
The Cost of Bad Behavior in the Workplace 2023 Civility partners Downloaden
The Costs of Workplace Bullying 2008 Downloaden
The dark side of working online: Towards a definition and an Emotion Reaction model of workplace cyberbullying Downloaden
The Dominance of Liking: Uncovering Dyadic and Reputational Effects of Peer and Perceived Teacher Likes and Dislikes on Friendship Dynamics Among Chinese Adolescents 2024 Downloaden
The economic cost of bullying in Australian schools 2018 Downloaden
The effect of bystanders’ support of targets of workplace incivility on observers’ intentions to help Downloaden
The effect of parental stress on bullying and victimization in adolescence and the role of self-control and gender as a moderator 2022 Downloaden
The Financial Cost of Bullying, Violence & Vandalism. Slate, February, 2011. Downloaden
The Impact of Academic Achievement and Parental Practices on Depressive Symptom Trajectories Among Chinese Adolescents 2021 Downloaden
The interpersonal problem-solving inventory: Development and evaluation in a fourth-grade student sample Downloaden
The Mediating Effect of Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy on the Association between Self-Esteem and School Bullying in Middle School Students: A Cross-Sectional Study Downloaden
The Online Behaviour Taxonomy: A conceptual framework to understand behaviour in computer-mediated communication Downloaden
The relation between defending, (dis)liking, and the classroom bullying norm: A cross-sectional social network approach in late childhood Downloaden
The relation between defending, (dis)liking, and the classroom bullying norm: A cross-sectional social network approach in late childhood Downloaden
The Relations of Teacher Use of Anti-bullying Components at Classroom and Individual Levels with Teacher and School Characteristics 2025 Downloaden
The relationship between bullying, learning disorders and psychiatric comorbidity | BMC Psychiatry 2023 Downloaden
The relationship between onset of workplace violence and onset of sleep disturbances in the Swedish working population 2022 Downloaden
The relationship between parent–child relationship and peer victimization: a multiple mediation model through peer relationship and depression 2023 Downloaden
The Risk of Bullying and Probability of Help-Seeking Behaviors in School Children: A Bayesian Network Analysis 2021 Downloaden
The role of CU traits, empathy and moral disengagement in bullying 2023 Downloaden
The role of cyberbullying victimization in the relationship between adult BTS fans' psychological sense of community and wellbeing 2022 Downloaden
The Role of Pubertal Timing in the Development of Peer Victimization and Offending From Early- to Mid-Adolescence Downloaden
The Role of Self-Assessed Teacher’s Efficacy in Assessing the Severity of Violence, Predicting Interventions, and Choosing Strategies in Cases of Peer Violence 2022 Downloaden
The Role of Teachers in Bullying: The Relation Between Antibullying Attitudes, Efficacy, and Efforts to Reduce Bullying 2021 Downloaden
The role of teachers in the bullying involvement of students with emotional and behavioral difficultie 2023 Downloaden
The role of trauma and positive youth development in polysubstance use among rural middle school students: a latent class analysis Downloaden
Theoretical Perspectives and Two Explanatory Models of School Bullying Downloaden
Theory of Mind and physical bullying in preschool children: the role of peer rejection and gender differences 2024 Downloaden
There’s a tear in my beer: Bullying victimisation and young teenage drinking in Sweden 2023 Downloaden
Thesis Workplace bullying in primary schools: teachers’ experience of workplace bullying; an organisational response perspective Downloaden
Through These Walls Impartial dispute resolution of online harm during a global pandemic Downloaden
Tijdelijke werknemers vertonen vaker ongewenst gedrag 2020 Agnes Akkerman, Roderick Sluiter & Giedo Jansen Downloaden
Traditional and Cyber Bullying/Victimization Among Adolescents: Examining Their Psychosocial Profile Through Latent Profile Analysis Downloaden
Traditioneel pesten versus cyberpesten Downloaden
Training away bias: The differential effects of counterstereotype training and self-regulation on stereotype activation and application Downloaden
Transgressive Behavior in Dutch Youth Sport 2022 Downloaden
Trends in Bullying Victimization and Social Unsafety for Sexually and Gender Diverse Students 2024 Downloaden
Understanding Rejection between First-and-Second-Grade Elementary Students through Reasons Expressed by Rejecters Downloaden
Understanding Workplace Cyberbullying: more than just an old problem in a new guise; Cyberpesten op het werk begrijpen: meer dan een oud probleem in een nieuw jasje Downloaden
Undoing racism and delivering real diversity in the charity sector 2020 Downloaden
UNICEF Growing up in a connected world Downloaden
Use and impact of external evaluation feedback in schools 2022 Downloaden
Verband tussen Pesten en Sociale Fobie. Annick Postema Downloaden
verband tussen sociale normen in de klas en gedragsontwikkeling onderzoek 2022 Downloaden
VERDEDIGER De tegenstrijdige rol van een prosociale participant in het pestproces Downloaden
Verkennend onderzoek racisme bij het ministerie van buitenlandse zaken Downloaden
Victimization Experiences and Mental Health Outcomes Among Grades 7 to 12 Students in Manitoba, Canada Downloaden
Victimization experiences, including traditional forms of bullying Among Grades 7 to 12 Students in Manitoba, Canada Downloaden
Wanneer plagen pijn gaat doen - Preventie en bestrijden van pesten op de werkvloer Downloaden
Wat werkt bij het verminderen van discriminatie Bron KIS Downloaden
What Works for Whom? Evaluating Patterns and Mechanisms of Change Among Bullies, Victims, and Bully-Victims Participating in a School-Based Prevention Program Downloaden
When Online Harassment is Perceived as Justified Downloaden
WHITEPAPER ‘Kom maar op: Versterk de weerbaarheid van de jeugd voor een veilige, gezonde en kansrijke toekomst’ Downloaden
Wie pest wie? Een netwerk‑benadering van pesten Rijks Universiteit Groningen Downloaden
WO Het buffereffect van percepties van het verdedigen van docenten en studenten op de impact van slachtofferschap door medestudenten op het subjectieve welzijn van studenten 2023 Downloaden
WODC-onderzoek: Voorziening voor verzoeken tot snelle verwijdering van onrechtmatige online content september 2020 3108 samenvatting Downloaden
Workplace Bullying and Long-Term Sickness Absence—A Five-Year Follow-Up Study of 2476 Employees Aged 31 to 60 Years in Germany Downloaden
Workplace bullying and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: A register-based prospective cohort study of 98 330 participants in Denmark 2022 Downloaden
Workplace bullying: Escalated incivility Downloaden
Workplace mobbing and bystanders’ helping behaviour towards victims Downloaden
Zes jaar onderzoek naar cyberpesten in Vlaanderen, België en daarbuiten een overzicht van de bevindingen Bron Friendly Attack Downloaden
Zo onderscheid je agressie van pesten. Agressie bij jonge kinderen in de onderbouw Auteur Gijs Huitsing RUG Downloaden
‘Vriendschap 2.0: altijd online – nooit alleen‘ Debra De Groote Communicatiewetenschappen, UAntwerpen Downloaden
“All the Time, Every Day, 24/7”: A Qualitative Perspective on Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress in Long-Term Cases of Traditional and Cyber Victimizations in Norway and Ireland (Ida Sjursø, Hildegunn Fandrem & Erling Roland) Downloaden
