Les idee 231: For teachers The Cyber Hero 
lesson plans (9-14 jaar) | Stop Pesten NU

Les idee 231: For teachers The Cyber Hero 
lesson plans (9-14 jaar) Bron: Cybersimple.be

The Cyber Hero lessons plan, developed by Google in conjunction with Test Achats, gives teachers the tools and methods they need to teach the Internet safety.

Included in the lessons plan are the five pillars, with activities and worksheets designed to be an analogy of Interland.

Table of Contents

Educator’s Guide 4 Resource 1: Parent introduction email/letter template
Resource 2: Frequently asked questions

Thematic 01: Share with Care, page 7 

Activity 1: When not to share
Activity 2: Whose profile is this, anyway?
Activity 3: How do others see us?

Activity 4: Keeping it private
Activity 5: Interland: Mindful Mountain

Thematic 02: Don’t Fall for Fake, page 19 

Activity 1: Donʼt bite that phishing hook!
Activity 2: Who are you, really?
Activity 3: About those bots
Activity 4: Interland: Reality River

Thematic 03: Secure Your Secrets, page 36  

Activity 1: How to build a great password
Activity 2: Keep it to yourself
Activity 3: Interland: Tower of Treasure

Thematic 04: It’s Cool to Be Kind, page 45 

Activity 1: From bystanders to upstanders
Activity 2: Upstander options
Activity 3: ...but say it nicely!

Activity 4: Mind your tone
Activity 5: Walking the walk 

Activity 6: Interland: Kind Kingdom

Thematic 05: When in Doubt, Talk It Out, page 61 

Activity 1: When to get help
Activity 2: Report it online, too

Download the booklet now.

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