Les idee 341: “What Are They Thinking?” homophobic bullying Aged 13 and above from UNESCO | Stop Pesten NU

Les idee 341: What Are They Thinking? Aged 13 and above homophobic bullying from UNESCO

Purpose: To explore the patterns of thought that lead to homophobic bullying

Recognise beliefs and behaviours associated with homophobic bullying 

Part 1 (15 – 20 minutes)

1) Explain the objective of the exercise using simple words, such as the following:

During this activity, we will discuss what homophobia and homophobic bullying are and how you think some ways of thought can lead to homophobic bullying. We will also think critically about how homophobic bullying can be prevented and how people witnessing homophobic bullying can help put a stop to it (Language may need to be adapted depending on your context. If you are not able to use “homophobia” and “homophobic” bullying, you may want to use gender-based violence and bullying).

2) Open the session by asking students what they think homophobia is.

3) Discuss the responses given by students. Next, explain that homophobia is fear, rejection, or aversion towards homosexuals and/or homosexuality. Write the definition on the board.

4) Ask students to review the following case example:

‘T’ is the captain of the school football team. An incoming student asked T about trying out for the team. T took one look at this student and decided he did not like him. T thought this guy looked gay and he did not want any gay guys on his team. So, T lied by telling him that the team was closed. When the student showed up to practise the coach encouraged him to try out. Eventually he made the team. At practise, T would often insult and threaten the student so that he would quit. Some teammates would laugh and even join in with name-calling. The student did not quit, so T and his friends started to beat him when the coach was not looking.

5) Use the example above to discuss what motivates the bullying. Ask them what they think is on the mind of the bully, for example:

a) That gay people deserve to be bullied

b) It is fun to take advantage of people

c) One can earn respect from friends by bullying others 


Download and read more lesson plan What are they thinking