Ages 5-7 Lesson Week tegen Pesten 2023 Kindness every day

Lesson plan ages 5-7 Week tegen Pesten 2023 Kindness every day

This download pack contains: Lesson Plan (focussed on recognising small acts of kindness we can do every day), a PowerPoint presentation and two activity sheets: Kindness in School and Pictures of Kindness.

To recognise small acts of kindness we can do every day.

Resources Needed / Downloads

Starter Pictures of Kindness

  • Explain that you are going to look at some pictures of children showing kindness. Display slide 3 on the whiteboard showing a picture from the Pictures of Kindness resource. Ask the children to tell you what they can see and discuss the picture together. Prompt questions might include: What do you think is happening in this picture? Whois showing kindness? Who are they helping? What might the people in the picture be saying? Who arethe people in the picture – are they related, are they friends? What might have happened before thephoto was taken? What might happen next?
  • Now, put the children in pairs and give each pair one of the pictures from the Pictures of Kindness resource to look at. (Alternatively, you could stick the pictures up around the classroom and ask each pair to go to and stand by one of the pictures.) Ask the children to discuss their picture with their partner. What can they see?
  • When the children have had time to discuss their photo, rotate them around so that they are looking at another photo and repeat.
  • You could finish by asking the children if any of the pictures remind them of a time they have been kind or someone has been kind to them. Can they share with their partner or with the class?

Introduction Discuss kindness in school

  • Discuss how the pictures you’ve just looked at showed children being kind out of school with their families or friends. What does kindness in school look like? How do we show kindness in our classroom and in our school? Elicit answers from the children and write ideas on the board. Examples might include:
  • Asking people to play Helping if someone is hurt Encouraging others
  • Sitting next to somebody who is on their own
  • Saying thank you (to children or grown-ups who help you) Helping to tidy up the classroom
  • Picking up coats that have fallen off their pegs Holding the door open for someone
  • Smiling at others Offering to help
  • Saying good morning/hello/smiling when see people Sharing toys or equipment
  • Celebrating each other’s successes Having fun together
  • Listening to others when they are speaking
  • Draw kindness in school

Activity ideas

Using the Kindness in School activity sheet, children draw pictures of people showing kindness in school. Some children might like to write a few words or sentences to describe what is happening or include speech bubbles in their pictures.

Create freeze frames

  • Children work in groups to create a freeze frame showing somebody being kind in school. You could take a photograph of the freeze frames to display on the wall.
  • Ask the children how they feel when they do something kind? Can the children show how they feel using their face and body? Can they describe or name the feeling?
  • How does it feel to be in a kind classroom? Discuss how everybody can do little things every day to help create a kind classroom where everybody feels safe and comfortable.


  • Ask the children how they feel when they do something kind? Can the children show how they feel using their face and body? Can they describe or name the feeling?
  • How does it feel to be in a kind classroom? Discuss how everybody can do little things every day to help create a kind classroom where everybody feels safe and comfortable.

