​Celebrities who were teased or victims of bullies in school | Stop Pesten NU

Beroemde personen die vroeger werden gepest

Dit is een lijst van beroemde personen die vroeger werden gepest. Pesten is een groot probleem! Vroeger werd er heel weinig aan het stoppen van pesten gedaan. Er werd vaak gezegd dat je van pesten sterker zou worden?! Door onderzoeken van o.a. Rijks Universiteit Groningen (RUG) weten wij nu; dat dit allemaal niet waar is, dat je niets leert van pesten. Gelukkig is hier de laatste jaren meer aandacht voor, zodat wij kunnen beginnen met het stoppen van pesten.

Deze gepeste mensen hebben inmiddels hele succesvolle banen: Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Christina Aguilera, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Emma Wadson, Miley Cirus, Steven Spielberg, Presidenten Bill Clinton en Barack Obama, Kate Middleton, Prins Harry, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Chester Bennington, Tiger Woods, Pierce Brosnan en nog vele anderen. Hieronder tref je een overzicht van deze mensen.

Maar ook Bekende Nederlanders zijn gepest zoals Jan Smit, Albert Verlinde, Marlies Dekker, Anita Witzier, Jamai Loman, Fred van Leer, Froukje de Both, Charly Luske, Daphne Dekkers, Pauline Huizinga, Mike Weerts, Maurics Wijnen en ook vele YouTubers zoals: Don (Game Meneer), Rutger Vink (Furtjuh), Enzo en Milan Knol 

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga vertelde in een interview dat ze veel gepest werd toen ze jong was. Ze werd getreiterd met haar uiterlijk. Volgens de zangeres had ze een enorme neus, korte bruine krullen en was ze te dik. "Ze hadden veel om me mee te pesten," vertelt ze. Ook is ze meerdere keren in een afvalbak gestopt, arme Lady Gaga! Volgens haarzelf is ze door de pesterijen een sterker persoon geworden. Tegenwoordig strijdt ze voor gelijkheid en respect.

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay begon al vroeg als actrice. Door haar klasgenootjes werd ze veel gepest omdat ze beroemd was en in films speelde. Ook bracht haar vader het grootste deel van haar jeugd door in de gevangenis. Haar jeugd was dus niet makkelijk. Tegenwoordig zet ze zich in voor de strijd tegen pesters. Go Lindsay!

Selena Gomez

Hoewel Selena echt práchtig is, werd ze vroeger toch gepest om haar uiterlijk. Selena vertelde dat haar klasgenoten haar plaagden omdat ze klein was. Ook hoorde ze nooit ergens bij. Dat maakte haar vroeger erg onzeker en verlegen. Ondertussen is daar niets meer van over. Selena is een inspirerende, hardwerkende vrouw die de harten van velen onder ons veroverd heeft.

Justin Bieber

Ook onze man crush werd vroeger gepest door veel van zijn klasgenootjes. Had jij dat verwacht? Wij in ieder geval niet! Wat zullen de pestkoppen nu veel spijt hebben...


The queen of pop was niet altijd zo zelfverzekerd en populair als tegenwoordig. Ook zij was vroeger het slachtoffer van vervelende pesterijtjes omdat ze er anders uitzag dan de rest. De meeste tijd bracht ze in haar eentje door en ze hoorde nergens bij. Tegenwoordig is daar niks meer van over, Madonna is een echte powervrouw.

Demi Lovato
Demi werd misschien wel het meest gepest van alle celebrities uit dit lijstje. Ze werd zelfs een keer uren lang opgesloten in de badkamer. Na dit incident besloten haar ouders dat het genoeg was en werd ze van school afgehaald. Tegenwoordig vertegenwoordigt Demi de anti-pest organisatie PACER die slachtoffers van pesten probeert te steunen en helpen.
Rihanna werd van kleins af aan gepest met haar huidskleur. Gelukkig liet ze zich niet tegenhouden door de pesters en is ze inmiddels één van de beroemdste vrouwen ter wereld.
Kristen Stewart

Kristen werd vroeger door haar klasgenootjes gepest omdat ze eruit zou zien als een jongen. Ze lachten haar uit om haar mannelijke kleding. Ondertussen is Kristen model voor Balenciaga en Chanel. You rock!



Megan Fox is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Megan Fox

Photo:  Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Megan Fox said that she felt that high school would never be over as she faced constant bullying at school.

Christian Bale is listed (or ranked) 2 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Christian Bale

Photo: Tinseltown/Shutterstock

Christian Bale started acting at 13. His fellow classmates used this as a reason to bully and beat up the actor who went on to play Batman.

Mila Kunis is listed (or ranked) 3 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Mila Kunis

Photo: Photo Works/Shutterstock

Mila Kunis was bullied in school because of her "funny face." The Black Swan star says that kids would make fun of her big eyes and lips.

Chris Rock is listed (or ranked) 5 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied
Chris Rock
Photo: david_shankbone/flickr/CC-BY 2.0

Chris Rock developed his humor and wit as a response to bullies.

Jessica Alba is listed (or ranked) 6 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Jessica Alba

Photo: Tinseltown/Shutterstock

Jessica Alba may be a successful, beautiful actress, but the Sin City star was bullied in high school. Alba said she got picked on because she was an awkward child with buck teeth and a Texas accent.

Jennifer Lawrence is listed (or ranked) 7 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Jennifer Lawrence

Photo: DFree/Shutterstock

Jennifer Lawrence said that her bullying became so bad that she switched schools to get away from some mean girls.

Miley Cyrus is listed (or ranked) 8 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Miley Cyrus

Photo: JStone/Shutterstock

Miley Cyrus was bullied by a group of girls who called themselves the Anti-Miley Club.

Taylor Swift is listed (or ranked) 9 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Taylor Swift

Photo: Tinseltown/Shutterstock

Taylor Swift says that her junior high bullies gave her the inspiration to start writing songs.

Tom Cruise is listed (or ranked) 10 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Tom Cruise

Photo: 360/Shutterstock

Tom Cruise struggled with reading, which made him an easy target for bullies.

Barack Obama is listed (or ranked) 12 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Barack Obama

Photo: Freebase/CC-BY

Barack Obama was bullied in school, but that didn't stop him from becoming the first African American President of the United States.

Christina Aguilera is listed (or ranked) 13 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Christina Aguilera

Photo: s_bukley/Shutterstock

Christina Aguilera said that she would get a lot of cold shoulders at school because her classmate couldn't understand her success.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridg is listed (or ranked) 14 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Kate Middleton

Photo: Featureflash/Shutterstock

The headmistress at Kate Middleton's school says that the Duchess of Cambridge was bullied for two terms.

Steven Spielberg is listed (or ranked) 15 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Steven Spielberg

Photo: Freebase/Public domain

Steven Spielberg was bullied for being a "nerd" in school.  Today, he is the coolest of film geeks!

Kristen Stewart is listed (or ranked) 16 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Kristen Stewart

Photo: Freebase/CC-BY-SA-2.5

Kristen Stewart says that she couldn't relate to kids her own age because "they were mean and didn't give you a chance."

Bill Clinton is listed (or ranked) 17 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Bill Clinton

Photo: Freebase/Public domain

Bill Clinton was teased for his weight growing up.

Justin Timberlake is listed (or ranked) 19 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Justin Timberlake

Photo: Shelby Casanova/Flickr

Justin Timberlake was bullied for his "funny hair" at school.

Sandra Bullock is listed (or ranked) 20 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Sandra Bullock

Photo: Warner Bros.

Sandra Bullock was bullied in school for her clothes.  The Oscar winner would make frequent trips to Europe with her mother, and when she would return, the kids would make fun of her strange clothing.

Kate Winslet is listed (or ranked) 21 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Kate Winslet

Photo: Featureflash/Shutterstock

Kate Winslet was made fun of for her weight.  She says that fellow classmates would call her terrible names like "blubber."

Jason Segel is listed (or ranked) 22 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Jason Segel

Photo: Tinseltown/Shutterstock

Jason Segel was bullied at school, but he got the last laugh by having a successful acting and writing career.

Howard Stern is listed (or ranked) 23 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Howard Stern

Photo: Helga Esteb/Shutterstock

Howard Stern says that he was a target for every bully in the city.  It's a good thing he developed a quick wit that he turned into a successful radio show.

Victoria Beckham is listed (or ranked) 24 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Victoria Beckham

Photo: Automotive Rhythms/Flickr


Victoria Beckham wasn't always "Posh."  Mrs. Beckham was teased throughout school.

Robert Pattinson is listed (or ranked) 25 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Robert Pattinson

Photo: Freebase/Fair use

Just like his on-again off-again girlfriend Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson did not relate to the kids at school.

Tiger Woods is listed (or ranked) 26 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Tigar Woods

Photo: Omar Rawlings/flickr/CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Golf legend Tiger Woods was the victim of racial slurs from his fellow classmates.

Mischa Barton is listed (or ranked) 27 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Mischa Barton

Photo: Featureflash/Shutterstock

She might have been a "cool kid" in "The O.C." but Mischa Barton faced bullying at her school.

Demi Lovato is listed (or ranked) 28 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Demi Lovato

Photo: Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images

Demi Lovato was bullied in middle school because she was an easy target.

Michelle Trachtenberg is listed (or ranked) 29 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Michelle Trachtenberg

Photo: Helga Esteb/Shutterstock

Michelle Trachtenberg says her school bullying experience was so bad that she was actually thrown down a flight of stairs.

Eminem is listed (or ranked) 30 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied


Photo: Freebase/Fair use

Eminem moved around a lot as a child and says that he was frequently beat up for being the new kid.

Rosario Dawson is listed (or ranked) 31 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Rosario Dawson

Photo: Freebase/CC-BY-SA-2.0

Rosario Dawson was a late bloomer, and she was bullied for being flat chested.

Winona Ryder is listed (or ranked) 32 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Winona Ryder

Photo: Freebase/CC-BY

Winona Ryder was beat up in junior high.  She later ran into her old bully at a cafe.  The bully asked for an autograph, and Winona replied: "Go f*** yourself."

Eva Mendes is listed (or ranked) 33 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Eva Mendes

Photo: Andrea Raffin/Shutterstock

Eva Mendes says she was an easy target for bullies because she was gawky and had big teeth.

Prince Harry is listed (or ranked) 34 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Prince Harry

Photo: Everett Collection/Shutterstock


Prince Harry was bullied for his red hair when he was young.

Rose McGowan is listed (or ranked) 35 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Rose McGowan

Photo: Freebase/CC-BY


Rose McGowan was bullied for being different, but the Scream star doesn't waste her time worrying about what people think of her.

Khloé Kardashian is listed (or ranked) 36 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Khloé Kardashian

Photo: Freebase/GNU Free Documentation License

Khloe Kardashian has struggled with her weight and her confidence, making her an easy target for school bullies.

Pierce Brosnan is listed (or ranked) 37 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Pierce Brosnan

Photo: Freebase/CC-BY-SA-2.5

Pierce Brosnan was made fun of for his Irish accent while he was at school.

Kristin Kreuk is listed (or ranked) 38 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Kristin Kreuk

Photo: Freebase/Fair use


Kristin Kreuk said that she struggled with bullying until she found her self-confidence.

Taylor Lautner is listed (or ranked) 39 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Taylor Lautner

Photo: Freebase/Fair use

Taylor Lautner was made fun of for his love of acting while he was in school.

George Takei is listed (or ranked) 40 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

George Takei 

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 2.0


George Takei was bullied as a child, and the "Star Trek" star now is very outspoken against anti-gay bullying.

Clay Aiken is listed (or ranked) 41 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Clay Aiken

Photo: Everett Collection /Shutterstock


Clay Aiken was made fun of for being in musicals. He said that things got so bad that, at one point, he didn't want to sing.

Daniel Radcliffe is listed (or ranked) 42 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Daniel Radcliffe

Photo: daniel_radcliffe/Instagram


Daniel Radcliffe says that he wasn't the most popular kid in school. Radcliffe was regularly mocked, and he was once punched in the face for coming to the aide of a fellow student.

Brittany Snow is listed (or ranked) 43 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Brittany Snow

Photo: Freebase/CC-BY-SA-2.0


Brittany Snow says that she was bullied daily.  She has turned her negative into a positive by starting "Love is Louder," a non-profit that is working to end bullying.

Jennifer Morrison is listed (or ranked) 44 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Jennifer Morrison

Photo: JJ Duncan/Flickr


"Once Upon a Time" actress Jennifer Morrison was very introverted, and her love for literature and the stage made her a prime target for bullies. In school, she was labeled a nerd. 

Tyra Banks is listed (or ranked) 45 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Tyra Banks

Photo: Freebase/Public domain

Tyra Banks was bullied in school for being a "bean pole." She later used her tall, thin physique to create an extremely successful modeling career.

Michael Phelps is listed (or ranked) 46 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Michael Phelps

Photo: JD Lasica/Flickr

Michael Phelps was made fun of for his long arms and big ears. The swimmer went on to use those long limbs to win several gold medals.

Chad Michael Murray is listed (or ranked) 47 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Chad Michael Murray

Photo: Andy Castro/Flickr

Chad Michael Murray was beat up by older kids when he was in school. He says that even his house got egged by his bullies.

Chris Colfer is listed (or ranked) 48 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Chris Colfer

Photo: Freebase/CC-BY-SA

"Glee" star Chris Colfer said that he was bullied every day and was called "freak" and much worse.

Mika is listed (or ranked) 49 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied


Photo: Freebase/GNU Free Documentation License

Singer Mika says that his bullying was so out of control that even a teacher participated.

Fred Durst is listed (or ranked) 50 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Fred Durst

Photo: Tinseltown/Shutterstock

Fred Durst says that his angst comes from the fact that he was beat up every day in high school.

Tom Felton is listed (or ranked) 51 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Tom Felton

Photo: Freebase/CC-BY-SA-2.0

Tom Felton says that he was bullied when he returned to school after months of shooting Harry Potter because of his bright, white hair.

Jesse Tyler Ferguson is listed (or ranked) 52 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Jesse Tyler Ferguson

Photo: Jesse Tyler Ferguson/Instagram

Jesse Tyler Ferguson said the he was bullied so badly that he switched schools.

Jennifer Freeman is listed (or ranked) 53 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Jennifer Freeman

Photo: Freebase

Jennifer Freeman says that her bullying experience was so bad that it brought her to tears every day.

Chester Bennington is listed (or ranked) 54 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Chester Bennington

Photo: Freebase/CC-BY-SA-2.5

Chester Bennington was made fun of for being skinny and looking different.  The Linkin Park front man says that being in a band is the only thing that made him feel better.

Brian McFadden is listed (or ranked) 55 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Brian McFadden

Photo: Freebase/GNU Free Documentation License

Singer Brian McFadden was bullied for his weight growing up.

Andy Biersack is listed (or ranked) 56 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Andy Biersack

Photo: Mrs_Dy/flickr/CC-BY 2.0

Andy Biersack

The Black Veil Brides lead vocalist has spoken out about his experience with bullying. Because of the way Andy dressed, and the music he listened to (i.e. The Misfits, A7X, The Damned, The Dropkick Murphies, etc.), he was the target of bullying at school. This bullying is re-enacted in the "Knives and Pens" music video.

Avril Lavigne is listed (or ranked) 62 on the list Famous People Who Were Relentlessly Bullied

Avril Lavigne

Photo: Freebase/GNU Free Documentation License


Avril Lavigne was bullied because of her big glasses, her hair and her tomboy clothes. They also called her "Vampire Lady" because of her teeth.


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