Les materiaal (Engels) MBO Wat zijn de gevolgen van het nemen van slechte online beslissingen | Stop Pesten NU

Les materiaal 404 (Engels) MBO Wat zijn de gevolgen van het nemen van slechte online beslissingen

Een groep vmbo-leerlingen bevindt zich in situaties die hen overrompelen en laten zien wat de gevolgen zijn van het nemen van slechte online beslissingen. Studenten begrijpen de verschillen en overeenkomsten van online en persoonlijke interacties en hoe ze hun privacy en veiligheid online kunnen beschermen. Studenten zullen ook kritisch nadenken over de tijd die ze online doorbrengen en begrijpen hoe belangrijk het is om een evenwichtige levensstijl te leiden. ​(vertaling Google translate)

A group of lower secondary students find themselves in situations that catch them off-guard and show them the consequences of making poor decisions online. Students will understand the differences and similarities of online and face-to-face interactions and how they can protect their privacy and security online. Students will also think critically about the time they spend online and understand the importance of leading a balanced lifestyle. 

Lesson plans 

Lesson plans based on the issues raised in the videos are provided in study guides for upper primary and lower secondary students.   Each study guide offers episode synopses, character profiles and points for discussion before watching the video, as well as discussion starter questions for each video. 


#GameOn student home

Things get complicated…

  • A group of lower secondary students find themselves in situations that catch them off-guard and show them the consequences of making poor decisions online.
  • Follow their experiences of cyberbullying, online& gaming, sharing passwords, free downloads and online friendships.
  • You can also check out interviews with the #GameOn characters about their views on bullying, gaming and sharing selfies:

Watch the series

#GameOn short film

#GameOn is an eSafety video following the online experiences of a group of lower secondary students who find themselves in situations that catch them off-guard and teach them the consequences of making poor decisions online.

Ep1 - Stealing Grace

School’s out for the day! But there is still a lot happening online for a group of young friends.

Ep2 - Ringing Ryan

When police come to talk to their class about cyberbullying, Joel can’t keep his eyes open because he has been up too late playing Star Warriors with Dean… who has accidentally slept in and is late for school!

Ep3 - Texting Ollie

The police officer who visited their class has Ryan worried… maybe his ‘free’ ringtones are too good to be true?

Ep4 - Telling Dean

Ollie is slowly starting to realise he might not have as much control over who sees his selfies as he thought he did.

Ep5 - Asking Claudia

Claudia, a close friend of Grace and Bianca, admits to hacking into Grace’s page and apologises to the girls.

Behind the Scenes

From actors to directors, producers and chaperones, a lot of work goes into the development of a short film.