Lesplan 7-11 jaar (Engels) Week tegen Pesten 2023

Lesson plan age 7-11 Kindness is evertything | Week tegen Pesten 2023

To understand that kindness is powerful and that a little bit of kindness can make a big difference.



Display the statement ‘Kindness is powerful’ on the whiteboard. Ask the children what they think this means. How is kindness powerful?

Watch the Kindness is Powerful Video.

Ask the children if they can think of a time when someone has been kind to them. How did they feel?

Ask the children if they can think of some small things they could do to be kind this week. Collect ideas and write them on the board. Explain that these small things can make a big difference.

On the whiteboard, display the slide that says, ‘YOU are a kindness superhero! Your mission is to change the world with kindness!’.


Introduce the activity

Children complete one of the Kindness is Powerful activity sheets:

Year 3/4 - Children design a superhero outfit and compose a superhero motto and then list 5 things they could do to be a kindness superhero today.

Year 5/6 – Children design a superhero badge/logo and then list 5 things they could do to be a kindness superhero today.


Explain that some scientists think getting into a superhero pose can help you feel more confident. Try it together: stand with your feet apart, back straight, chin up, eyes looking up, chest open, hands on hips. Take 3 deep breaths and smile. Say to yourself, “I am super kind and super powerful!”

Tell the children that you are looking forward to hearing about their 5 acts of kindness.


At the end of the week, ask children to share the 5 acts of kindness they have carried out.

Ask children to look up and display synonyms for the word ‘kind’ and ‘kindness’ and display in the classroom.



Source 52 lives